CFast Adelaide: For Your Dental Health

CFast is a fast and effective cosmetic treatment for adults who have crowded teeth or gaps between the front teeth. It concentrates on the ‘social six’, which are the six most prominent teeth that show when you smile.

Unlike traditional fixed braces, DentalExcellence cfast Adelaide uses clear and tooth-coloured components that are very discreet. It makes it a great choice for people who want a fast, affordable and reliable way to straighten their teeth.

Optimal Oral Hygiene

CFast AdelaideOral hygiene is a necessary element for the health of your teeth, gums and mouth. Regular brushing, flossing and dental cleanings prevent oral diseases like tooth decay, gum disease and periodontitis. These conditions can lead to pain, discomfort and reduced quality of life. Oral diseases also increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and other serious health conditions. Good oral hygiene is a key element of overall health and well-being.

CFast is an orthodontic treatment that uses mild pressure to adjust overcrowded, crooked or gapped teeth. The system uses nickel-titanium wires that are designed to exert only minimal force, which makes the treatment a comfortable and effective option for most patients. The wires are positioned behind your teeth, where they can be hidden from view. They work in combination with the elastic ties that secure your braces to each other. The system is very comfortable and typically straightens teeth within 4-6 months.

The best way to ensure that your teeth are completely free of bacteria is to practice daily oral hygiene. It includes brushing, flossing and rinsing. Flossing removes the food particles stuck between your teeth and can help clean smaller areas of the mouth that other cleaning methods may miss. Rinsing with water or mouthwash helps to wash away the bacteria and prepare your mouth for more thorough brushing.

Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a worldwide problem, and it’s especially common in children, teenagers and older adults. It’s caused by bacteria in the mouth that break down sugars and starches into acid that destroys tooth enamel. It also happens when teeth are not brushed regularly, and food gets stuck in pits, fissures and cracks on the tops of the front teeth (also called the social 6). Other risk factors include smoking, certain medical conditions, and taking medicines that reduce saliva flow, such as diuretics and corticosteroids.

Tooth cavities start on the outer, harder layer of the tooth (enamel). As it erodes, a cavity grows deeper until it reaches the dentin inside the tooth, where blood vessels and nerves are located. The tooth can then become infected and need a root canal or be removed. Small cavities that are caught and treated early by a DentalExcellence cfast Adelaide dentist often do not need any further treatment except a filling.

Reduced Risk of Jaw Pain

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, connects your lower jaw, or mandible, to your skull. These joints move in many directions as you open and close your mouth, chew, speak, and swallow. Damage to these joints can cause pain and difficulty with daily activities, such as eating, drinking, or chewing food. Common causes of TMJ include teeth grinding while sleeping or clenching your jaw, stress, arthritis, or an injury to the head or neck.

Symptoms of TMJ can be as mild as a slight clicking or popping sound when chewing or as severe as constant jaw pain or an inability to open your mouth at all. Over-the-counter pain relievers and physical therapy, including moist heat, massage, and stretching, can help alleviate these symptoms. Your dentist may also recommend a mouth guard to wear while sleeping, to minimize teeth grinding and clenching that can cause TMJ.

Jaw pain can lead to a decrease in your quality of life and is often caused by a buildup of lactic acid, changes in muscular energy metabolism, and oxygen deprivation of the jaw’s tissues. It builds up tension in your muscles, which triggers repeated clenching of the jaw. It can increase your risk of developing a chronic condition known as trigeminal neuralgia.

Another type of jaw pain is osteoradionecrosis (ORN), which is caused by radiation from cancer treatments. ORN can be especially dangerous for people with head and neck cancer, who are at high risk of developing this condition due to unavoidable exposure to radiation during chemotherapy and surgery.

DentalExcellence cfast Adelaide can reduce your risk of jaw pain because it uses a more conservative approach to straightening your smile. Using clear brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, Cfast moves only the front six teeth, so there is less pressure on the back teeth. It allows the wires to exert more gentle yet effective pressure without the need for the extreme tightening that results in discomfort during conventional orthodontic treatment.

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