Causes of Blocked Drains and Methods to Unblock Them

We will cover how to prevent them and methods for unblocking them. In addition, we’ll discuss legal remedies in case your drains get blocked. This information is not a substitute for a licensed plumber. Use these tips at your own risk! This information is intended for general knowledge. Utilise it at your own risk, and follow the advice of a licensed plumber.

Common causes of blocked drains

blocked drains AdelaideBlocked drains are not uncommon. However, you can minimise their frequency by implementing some prevention measures. First, learn some of the most common causes of blocked drains and some simple methods to clear them. Identifying these causes will make drain cleaning easier and less time-consuming. Moreover, it is still recommended to hire a plumber to remove them. Listed below are some of the most common causes of blocked drains. These include tree roots, hair, fat, and wet wipes. For more information, visit 

Hair and grease can clog drains. Although most people do not think of hair as a blockage, it can accumulate over time. In addition, a family might be washing hair, shaving legs or even washing beards down the sink. In addition, this hair will clump together with other items in the drain and form a clog. This blockage can be difficult to remove when combined with grease and fat.

Preventative measures to avoid blocked drains

There are several ways to prevent blocked drains, but prevention is always better than a cure. It is vital to clear gutters and stormwater drains regularly and make sure that tree roots do not clog them. These can cause blockages because their roots grow quickly to take advantage of the water supply. Hence, avoid planting large trees or shrubs near your house, which can cause blockages. Toilets should be kept clean and free from clogs by flushing items other than toilet paper or wet wipes. To avoid blockages, you can place such items in a rubbish bin.

When using the garbage disposal, never pour food and liquids down it. Many of these items contain oils and odours that can clog the drain. In addition to that, please do not flush your face wash or toothpaste down the drain, as they can cause a blockage. You can also use a boiling water solution to clean the grease out of your pipes, but make sure to pour it slowly to avoid clogging them. For more information, visit

Methods to clear blocked drains

Blocked drains are a nuisance and a source of unclean air in the home. Untreated, they can also lead to leaks or even burst pipes. Fortunately, there are several effective methods of drain clearing that are both eco-friendly and safe. Here are just a few of them. Using boiling water is an effective way to loosen grease and foreign matter from drains. This method is especially helpful for metal pipes and PVC joints because it does not contain harmful chemicals or harsh solvents that may harm the environment.

Try combining a cup of baking soda with two cups of boiling water for a more permanent solution. Then, pour the mixture into the drain and wait for one hour. You can also use boiling water to rinse the mixture thoroughly. Another effective home remedy for blocked drains is adding two yeast packages to the water. This solution will dissolve grease and prevent foul odour. Then, you can repeat this process as often as necessary.

Legal remedies for blocked drains

Soda soft drinks are an excellent way to clear blocked drains. The sodas’ carbonated ingredients and phosphorus acid dislodge the clog. To use this remedy:

  1. Pour the soda down the drain.
  2. After two hours, flush it out with hot water. The vinegar and soda will help clear the drain and prevent clogs in the future.
  3. When these home remedies do not work, call your local plumber for assistance.